WebAssembly on the server: Compiling Rust to WASM and executing it from Go
Server-side WebAssembly: Unifying cross-language logic for high performance and data privacy. Learn how Arcjet leverages WASM for local-first processing.
Using Nom to create a safe email validation parser in Rust. How to create combinator parsing that can be compiled to WebAssembly.
There is no such thing as 100% security, which is why the philosophy of defense in depth requires multiple security layers. When mitigating form spam, one of those layers is likely to be email address validation.
Arcjet’s security as code SDK includes an email address validation primitive which is bundled in our signup form protection module. This consists of two parts: validation and verification.
Email validation checks whether the user input is a valid email address i.e. the syntax format, whereas email verification checks whether the address can actually receive email e.g. is the domain valid and does it have MX records?
We aim to build all Arcjet security primitives local-first because that avoids sending data out of your environment and provides the lowest latency. When it comes to email validation, we’ve written our own email parser which performs that step entirely locally. This is written in Rust and compiled to a WebAssembly module bundled with the SDK.
This post is about how we wrote that email parser.
Parser combinators are high-order functions that accept one or more parsers as their input and produce a new parser as the output.
This means that you can implement your parser logic as a bunch of smaller primitive parsers, such as parsers that validate a single character or number, and then use them to build up a much more complex parser.
Using combinators leaves you with much more modular, maintainable, and testable code; because each sub-parser can be tested in isolation.
Nom is a parser combinator library written in Rust designed as toolchain for building "safe parsers without compromising the speed or memory consumption".
Its design focuses on zero-copy parsing (memory-efficient data interpretation without allocations), using Rust's streaming capabilities, and bit-level parsing support. This makes it highly efficient and versatile.
The simplest parser that you can write is a do_nothing
pub fn do_nothing(input: &str) -> IResult<&str, &str> {
Ok((input, ""))
This parser just takes the input, takes nothing from it and returns it all in the first element.
Each parser in nom returns a Result
. In the Result::Ok
case it will always return a tuple of strings, where the first string is the remaining text that was not processed, and the second element is the text that was successfully matched by the parser.
If it fails to parse then it will return a Result::Err
with the error that caused it not to match.
Parsers that are applied later on can then take the remaining piece (which in this case will be everything) in the first tuple element and do something with it.
The exact opposite of the do_nothing
parser, is the match_all
pub fn match_all(input: &str) -> IResult<&str, &str> {
Ok(("", input))
This parser selects the entire input, leaving nothing for future parsers to consume (because they must use the contents of the first element).
These two extremes aren’t that useful, but show how the inputs can be transformed and provided to the output for use in the next stage of the parser.
The format of email addresses is specified in RFC 5322; however the standard that is defined in this RFC is very broad. In the real world most email providers are much more restrictive in what they’ll allow.
If we dig into the format, we can extract the key components:
. Dots are also allowed, but two consecutive dots are forbidden.this-is_a;very@strange.email,address"@example.com
is completely valid per the spec, although virtually no email providers would allow such a strange address to be registered on their service.These components give us a set of rules we can implement in a parser.
First we need to implement parsers to test compliance with the two types of strings allowed in the local part that I described above.
// Parser for atoms (local and domain parts without quotes)
fn atom(input: &str) -> IResult<&str, &str> {
take_while1(|c: char| c.is_ascii_alphanumeric() || "!#$%&'*+/=?^_`{|}~-".contains(c))(input)
// Parser for quoted strings in the local part
fn quoted_string(input: &str) -> IResult<&str, &str> {
take_while(|c| c != '"' && c != '\\\\'), // Simplistic; RFC allows escaped characters
Because we are only concerned with testing these simple strings at this stage, it is really easy to build tests to verify that we’re on the right track with these.
One of the great benefits of writing your parsers this way is how easy it makes it to write tests that test the most primitive elements of your overall parser.
mod tests {
use crate::{atom, quoted_string};
fn it_recognizes_atoms_correctly() {
// It should select the whole string
assert_eq!(Ok(("", "this-is_valid")), atom("this-is_valid"));
// It should only select the valid atom section
assert_eq!(Ok((";is@not-valid", "this")), atom("this;is@not-valid"));
// The first char is not a valid atom, so it cannot select anything and errors
assert!(atom("\\"this is text\\"").is_err());
fn it_recognizes_quoted_strings_correctly() {
// It should select the whole string
Ok(("", "\\"this is a quoted string\\"")),
quoted_string("\\"this is a quoted string\\"")
// It will error when it isn't a quoted string
assert!(quoted_string("this has no quotes").is_err());
Now that we can parse the atom and quoted string sections correctly, we can combine the two using combinators to be able to identify a full local part.
// Parser for the local part
fn local_part(input: &str) -> IResult<&str, &str> {
recognize(separated_list1(char('.'), alt((atom, quoted_string))))(input)
First we use seperated_list1
to allow for many (but at least one) sections of atom or quoted strings separated by dots. This doesn’t do exactly what we want however, because it returns a list of the matched string segments without the dots. For example, john.smith
would become ["john", "smith"]
To get around this we can wrap this with the recognize combinator. This allows us to select the entire string that’s matched by seperated_list1
as a single str instead of returning a list.
Next we need to parse the domain section.
Domain names consist of two or more domain label sections separated by dots. For example, www.example.com has three domain label sections, www
, example
, and com
, separated by two dots.
The specification allows for email addresses to either have a domain name, or an ip address literal e.g. example@[]
. However in the real world most email services do not support sending/receiving an email from an ip-literal address. So we will choose not to support it for this parser. In the actual Arcjet parser for email validation, we have it as an option you can enable.
// Parser for domain labels
fn domain_label(input: &str) -> IResult<&str, &str> {
take_while1(|c: char| c.is_ascii_alphanumeric() || c == '-')(input)
// Parser for the domain part
fn domain(input: &str) -> IResult<&str, &str> {
recognize(separated_list1(char('.'), domain_label))(input)
Next we can finally combine the parsers that we created above to parse a full email address.
// Parser for the complete email address
fn email_address(input: &str) -> IResult<&str, (&str, &str)> {
separated_pair(local_part, char('@'), domain)(input)
The seperated_pair
function is a combinator that runs both the local_part
and domain
parsers on the portion of the string to the left and right of the @
sign respectively. After running it you can find the local and domain sections in the second element of the result.
To make the interface a little bit more friendly for the rest of your application, it makes sense to wrap the parser in a struct so that consumers of the parsed email address don’t need to understand the positioning of items in the tuple.
struct EmailAddress<'a> {
local: &'a str,
domain: &'a str,
impl<'a> EmailAddress<'a> {
fn parse(candidate: &'a str) -> Option<Self> {
.map(|result| EmailAddress {
local: result.1 .0,
domain: result.1 .1,
Pulling it all together into a single file:
use nom::{
bytes::complete::{take_until1, take_while1},
sequence::{delimited, separated_pair},
enum RemotePart {
struct EmailAddress {
local: String,
remote: RemotePart,
fn is_alphanumeric(c: char) -> bool {
fn is_valid_email_char(c: char) -> bool {
is_alphanumeric(c) || c == '.' || c == '-' || c == '_' || c == '+' || c == '\"'
fn is_valid_domain_char(c: char) -> bool {
is_alphanumeric(c) || c == '.' || c == '-'
fn local_part(input: &str) -> IResult<&str, &str> {
fn is_valid_ip_address(input: &str) -> bool {
fn ip_literal_segment(input: &str) -> IResult<&str, &str> {
verify(take_until1("]"), is_valid_ip_address),
fn domain_segment(input: &str) -> IResult<&str, &str> {
fn domain_part(input: &str) -> IResult<&str, &str> {
alt((domain_segment, ip_literal_segment))(input)
pub fn parse_email(input: &str) -> IResult<&str, (&str, &str)> {
separated_pair(local_part, char('@'), domain_part)(input)
pub fn is_email_address(candidate: &str) -> bool {
let email = parse_email(candidate);
match email {
Ok((remaining, _parsed)) => remaining.is_empty(),
Err(_) => false,
fn main() {
Rust is the perfect language for writing parsers because of its performance, correctness, and security properties. It also allows us to compile it as part of our bundled WebAssembly in the Arcjet SDK. The analysis happens locally within a secure sandbox at near-native speeds, and we don't need to rewrite it as we add more platform SDKs.
Nom has proven to be a flexible library which we expect to use more in future planned features.
Server-side WebAssembly: Unifying cross-language logic for high performance and data privacy. Learn how Arcjet leverages WASM for local-first processing.
How Arcjet is running WebAssembly Components on Vercel's Edge Runtime.
Building and compiling a Rust FFI library so it can be executed from Go.
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