The Wasm Component Model and idiomatic codegen
Idiomatic code generation for Go using the Wasm Component Model. Compiling for different languages always has tradeoffs, which is why using standards helps everyone.
Blog posts about security and engineering in Go.
Idiomatic code generation for Go using the Wasm Component Model. Compiling for different languages always has tradeoffs, which is why using standards helps everyone.
Using Go + Gin to reimplement our backend REST API. How we built the golden API: performance & scalability, comprehensive docs, security, authentication, and testability.
Lessons learned from running production Go services that call Wasm using Wazero: embedding Wasm binaries, optimizing startup times, pre-initialization, wasm-opt optimizations, and profiling.
Server-side WebAssembly: Unifying cross-language logic for high performance and data privacy. Learn how Arcjet leverages WASM for local-first processing.
Building and compiling a Rust FFI library so it can be executed from Go.
Filtering sensitive data from log fields with Golang. Zap vs log/slog: performance and developer experience.
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