Test security rules without breaking production: Arcjet's DRY_RUN mode
Arcjet is designed to run everywhere - locally, in CI/CD, in staging, and in production. Write unit tests for your security rules and avoid breaking production.
Blog posts about security and engineering for JS.
Arcjet is designed to run everywhere - locally, in CI/CD, in staging, and in production. Write unit tests for your security rules and avoid breaking production.
A security checklist for Remix applications: dependencies & updates, module constraints, environment variables, authentication and authorization, cross-site request forgery, security headers, validation, and file uploads.
Idiomatic code generation for Go using the Wasm Component Model. Compiling for different languages always has tradeoffs, which is why using standards helps everyone.
Nosecone is an open source library to set security headers like Content Security Policy (CSP) and HTTP Strict Transport Security (HSTS) on Next.js, SvelteKit, and other JavaScript frameworks using Bun, Deno, or Node.js. Security headers as code.
New bot protection functionality with detection of AI scrapers, bot categories, and an open source list of bot identifiers.
How to protect GraphQL backends using Arcjet. Implementing rate limiting and bot protection for Yoga + Next.js.
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