Protecting self-hosted Coolify apps with Tailscale
Self-host apps securely with Coolify and Tailscale. This guide provides instructions for setup, deployment on a private Tailscale network, and public access for Next.js on Coolify.
Blog posts about Next.js security.
Self-host apps securely with Coolify and Tailscale. This guide provides instructions for setup, deployment on a private Tailscale network, and public access for Next.js on Coolify.
A security checklist of 7 things to improve the security of your Next.js applications. Dependencies, data validation & sanitization, environment variables, code exposure, security headers, centralizing functions, getting help from your editor.
Using the Pino logging library to add structured logging to Next.js. How to set up logging to JSON for Next.js.
How do you test Next.js app router API route handlers? A guide to testing Next.js API routes and mocking next-auth to properly test authenticated routes.
CI is not just for tests - it’s an important part of the many security layers you should wrap around your application. How can you use CI to detect leaked secrets in Next.js?
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